pydwf exceptions

The PyDwfError and DwfLibraryError exceptions are used to report errors from pydwf to user programs.

Using the pydwf exceptions

The PyDwfError and DwfLibraryError exceptions are defined in the pydwf.core.auxiliary.exceptions module. The top-level pydwf package imports both of them from that module to make them available to user scripts. To use either of them, they should be imported from the top-level pydwf package:

from pydwf import DwfLibrary, PyDwfError, DwfLibraryError

dwf = DwfLibrary()

except DwfLibraryError as e:
    print("An error occurred at the C library level:", e)
except PyDwfError as e:
    print("An error occurred at the Python module level:", e)

Error handling in the pydwf package

Python provides exceptions to handle errors, which is quite different from the lower level return-value based mechanism used in the C API. Fortunately, it is possible to turn the low-level errors reported by the C API functions into Python exceptions.

To do this, the pydwf package inspects the return value of each call to the C API, and, in case of an error (i.e., a return value unequal to 1), it raises a DwfLibraryError exception that contains both the DWERC error code of the last function called and its corresponding textual description, as obtained by calling the FDwfGetLastError and FDwfGetLastErrorMsg functions in the shared library.

Exceptions raised by the pydwf package

Almost all exceptions raised by pydwf are a result of a failure reported by the underlying C library. However, there are a few circumstances where pydwf detects an error condition before or after such a call was made. Such errors are handled by raising a PyDwfError exception, which derives from Python’s standard Exception class.

digraph { rankdir=BT; // nodes node [shape="rectangle"]; exception_err [label="Exception"]; pydwf_err [label="PyDwfError"]; dwflib_err [label="DwfLibraryError"]; // edges edge [arrowhead="onormal"]; dwflib_err -> pydwf_err; pydwf_err -> exception_err; }

Inheritance diagram of pydwf exceptions

As the inheritance diagram shows, the DwfLibraryError exception type derives from PyDwfError. This makes it easy to catch any pydwf error in code:

from pydwf import DwfLibrary, PyDwfError

dwf = DwfLibrary()

except PyDwfError as e:
    print("An error occurred at the C library -or- Python module level:", e)

pydwf exceptions reference

class PyDwfError

A PyDwfError exception represents any error in pydwf (caused by the underlying C API or otherwise).

It is a trivial (empty) specialization of the built-in Exception class.

class DwfLibraryError

A DwfLibraryError exception represents an error reported by one of the DWF C library functions.

This class derives from PyDwfError, making it easier for scripts to catch any exception originating in pydwf.

The following attributes are provided:


DWF error code as reported by the C library, if available.




DWF error message as reported by the C library, if available. It may contain multiple single-line messages, separated by a newline character.

